Collection of references for web development.
HTML Reference
Below is a list of all available tags and attributes for HTML (HyperText Markup Language), our list does not provide deprecated methods as these should not be used on the modern web.
You need to learn HTML if you want to create websites, HTML is the structure of a web page, you will also need basic understand with CSS and JavaScript.
Name | Description |
!-- | The HTML <!--...--> Tag represents commented text in the source code of the document, this will not be rendered by the browser, you can only see comments by looking at the source code, useful for development purposes. |
!DOCTYPE | The HTML <!DOCTYPE> Tag must be the first tag you declare in your document, it tells the browser what version of HTML the document is written in. |
a | The HTML <a> (anchor) element is used for creating hyperlinks to websites, files, or locations on a document. |
abbr | The HTML <abbr> element represents an abbreviation and optionally a title. |
address | The HTML <address> element represents the contact information for the document. |
area | The HTML <area> element is a child of the <map> element, it defines an hot-spot region on the image and optionally used as creating links. |
article | The HTML <article> element identifies the content which could be used as a stand-alone unit, which could be distributable or reusable. This could be a blog post, newspaper article, forum post, or any other independent content. |
aside | The HTML <aside> element represents a section that is related to the content around it in the document. For example, the element could be used for a sidebar. |
audio | The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound in the document. |
b | The HTML <b> element renders the specific text in boldface. |
base | The HTML <base> element represents the base URL to be used for all URLs in a document. |
bdi | The HTML <bdi> element isolates part of a text that may be formatted in a different direction from text outside of it. |
bdo | The HTML <bdo> element represents overridden text that can be displayed from left-to-right and right-to-left. |
blockquote | The HTML <blockquote> element represent text that is quoted from another source. |
body | The HTML <body> element contains the content for the HTML document. |
br | The HTML <br> element inserts a new line break into the specified content. |
button | The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button. |
canvas | The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics with JavaScript. |
caption | The HTML <caption> element is used to define a caption for a table, this should only be used within a table. |
cite | The HTML <cite> element defines a reference of a work. |
code | The HTML <code> element is used to represent computer code. |
col | The HTML <col> element specifies cell properties, usually appears in the <colgroup> element. |
colgroup | The HTML <colgroup> element specifies a group of columns within a table. |
data | The HTML <data> element links the given content with a machine-readable language. |
datalist | The HTML <datalist> element represents a set of pre-defined options for an <input> element. |
dd | The HTML <dd> element is used to describe a term in a description list. |
del | The HTML <del> element represents deleted text. |
details | The HTML <del> element represents additional information to the user, the user has the choice to hide the information. |
dfn | The HTML <dfn> element represents the defining instance of a term. |
dialog | The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or interactive window. |
div | The HTML <div> element represents a container for other HTML elements. |
dl | The HTML <dl> element represents a description list. |
dt | The HTML <dt> element is used to describe a term in a description list. |
em | The HTML <em> element marks text that has stress emphasis, the text is displayed in italics by the browser. |
embed | The HTML <embed> element represents a container for an external application or interactive content (e.g. a plug-in). |
fieldset | The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group related elements in a form. |
figcaption | The HTML <figcaption> element represents a caption for a <figure> element. |
figure | The HTML <figure> element represents self-contained content, this could be used for illustrations, diagrams, photos, etc. |
footer | The HTML <footer> element represents a footer for a document or section. |
form | The HTML <form> element represents a section in the document that contains interactive elements, commonly used to submit information to a web server. |
h1 | The HTML <h1> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. You should only use one <h1> tag per section. |
h2 | The HTML <h2> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. |
h3 | The HTML <h3> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. |
h4 | The HTML <h4> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. |
h5 | The HTML <h5> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. |
h6 | The HTML <h6> element represents a heading, <h1> being the highest and <h6> being the lowest. |
head | The HTML <head> element is a container, it contains information that is not displayed in your web browsers document e.g. page title, favicons, metadata, and links to external resources. |
header | The HTML <header> element represents a container for introductory content or navigational aids. The content normally consists of headers, images and paragraphs. The <header> element cannot be placed within the <address>, <footer>, or another <header> element. |
hr | The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between elements in the HTML document, this is displayed as a horizontal line. |
html | The HTML <html> element represents the root of an HTML document, all over elements must be descendants of this element. |
i | The HTML <i> element represents a range of text that is different from the normal text, the text is typically displayed italic. The <i> element can be used to show technical terms, foreign language phrases, opinions, etc. |
iframe | The HTML <iframe> element represents an inline frame, which embeds another HTML document into the current document. |
img | The HTML <img> element is used for embedding images in a HTML document. |
input | The HTML <input> element is used to create controls for forms, it allows the user to input data and optionally submit to a server. |
ins | The HTML <ins> element represents text that has been inserted into the HTML document. |
kbd | The HTML <kbd> element represents keyboard input, or text that should be entered with a device. |
label | The HTML <label> element represents a label to add to form controls, for example this could be used to describe an input box. |
legend | The HTML <legend> element represents a title or caption for describing its parent <fieldset> contents. |
li | The HTML <li> element represents an item in a list element, the item must be contained in an <ol>, <ul>, or a <menu> element. |
link | The HTML <link> element represents a link to an external resource, commonly used to link to cascading style sheets (CSS). |
main | The HTML <main> element represents the main content of a document, the content inside the element should be different from the outside content, for example this could include articles or posts but shouldn't contain content that is going to be repeated across pages, this could be the websites search bar, navigation, footer, etc. |
map | The HTML <map> element represents an image map, used in conjunction with <area> to define clickable regions. |
mark | The HTML <mark> element represents marked/highlighted text, commonly used for reference purposes. |
meta | The HTML <meta> element represents additional information about the document that is not visible to the user, this information is commonly stored in the <head> section of a document. |
meter | The HTML <meter> element represents a ranged scalar, used commonly to display factors such as disk usage, temperatures, etc. |
nav | The HTML <nav> element represents a container to be used for navigation links. |
noscript | The HTML <noscript> element represents code to display if the browser does not support scripting (JavaScript etc). |
object | The HTML <object> element represents a embedded object, used to embed external resources such as Java applets, flash files, PDF files, etc. |
ol | The HTML <ol> element represents an ordered list. The list can be numerical or alphabetical. |
optgroup | The HTML <optgroup> element represents a group of options in a <select> element. |
option | The HTML <option> element represents an option in a <select>, <datalist>, or <optgroup> element. |
output | The HTML <output> element represents the result of a calculation. |
p | The HTML <p> element represents a paragraph. |
param | The HTML <param> element represents parameters for the <object> element. |
picture | The HTML <picture> element represents a container used for specifying one or more image resources, commonly used to serve the same image but at different sizes for different devices. |
pre | The HTML <pre> element represents preformatted text, it preserves both spaces and line breaks. |
progress | The HTML <progress> element represents the progress of a task, commonly displayed as a progress bar. |
q | The HTML <q> element represents a short quotation. |
rp | The HTML <rp> element defines a fallback parentheses for browsers that do not support ruby annotations. |
rt | The HTML <rt> element represents an explanation in a ruby annotation. |
rtc | The HTML <rtc> element represents a ruby text container. |
ruby | The HTML <ruby> element represents a ruby annotation. |
s | The HTML <s> element represents text that is no longer relevant, usually displayed as text with a line through the middle. |
samp | The HTML <samp> element represents sample text from a computer program. |
script | The HTML <script> element represents client-side script (JavaScript). |
section | The HTML <section> element represents a section, commonly used to define sections in a document that contain headings, paragraphs, images, etc. |
select | The HTML <select> element represents a drop-down list. |
small | The HTML <small> element represents smaller text (one font size smaller than the original). |
source | The HTML <source> element represents multiple media resources for the <audio>, <picture>, or <video> element. |
span | The HTML <span> element represents an inline container. There is no default styling added to this element, its purpose is to be used as a container, similar to that of a <div> but can only contain inline elements. |
strong | The HTML <strong> element represents important text, commonly displayed in bold type. |
style | The HTML <style> element represents style information for a document. |
sub | The HTML <sub> element represents subscript text, commonly displayed in a lowered level smaller font. |
summary | The HTML <summary> element represents the heading used for a <details> element. The heading can then be clicked to view or hide the details. |
sup | The HTML <sup> element represents superscript text. Commonly displayed as a raised level smaller font text. |
table | The HTML <table> element represents a table that consists of rows and columns. |
tbody | The HTML <tbody> element represents a group of table elements used for body section of the <table> element. |
td | The HTML <td> element represents a table cell. |
template | The HTML <template> element represents a container that is hidden from the client, often used with JavaScript. |
textarea | The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line text input control. |
tfoot | The HTML <tfoot> element represents a group of table elements used for footer section of the <table> element. |
th | The HTML <th> element represents a header cell. |
thead | The HTML <thead> element represents a group of table elements used for head section of the <table> element. |
time | The HTML <time> element represents the date/time, often used with the <article> element. |
title | The HTML <title> element represents the title of the document, this element is required for all documents. |
tr | The HTML <tr> element represents a table row. |
track | The HTML <track> element represents tracks for the media elements <audio> and <video>. |
u | The HTML <u> element represents inline text, normally renders as underlined text. |
ul | The HTML <ul> element represents an unordered list. |
var | The HTML <var> element represents a variable, often used to present mathematical or programming expressions. |
video | The HTML <video> element represents an embedded video, the <video> element only supports the ogg, mp4 and webm formats. |
wbr | The HTML <wbr> element represents a Word Break Opportunity, specifies where a line break should occur. |
Global Attributes
Name | Description |
accesskey | Specifies the shortcut key to focus elements in the document. |
class | Specifies multiple classnames for an element, often used for styling the element with CSS. |
contenteditable | Specifies whether the element is editable or not. |
data | Specifies custom data for an element, you can use multiple data attributes. |
dir | Specifies the text direction of the elements content. |
draggable | Specifies whether the element is draggable or not. |
dropzone | Specifies what type of dragged content can be dropped on the element. |
hidden | Specifies whether the element is hidden or visible. |
id | Specifies the unique id for an element, all id's should be unique and not to be reused for multiple elements. |
itemid | Specifies the unique item id. |
itemprop | Specifies the property for an item. |
itemref | Specifies the list of element id's with additional properties. |
itemscope | Specifies whether an element should be a new item or not. |
itemtype | Specifies the vocabulary to which the item relates to. |
lang | Specifies the language of the element. |
spellcheck | Specifies if the elements value should have its spelling and grammar checked. |
style | Specifies the inline style for the element. |
tabindex | Specifies the position of the navigation tabbing in the document. |
title | Specifies a title for the element. |
translate | Specifies whether the element should be translated or not. |
Specific Attributes
Name | Description |
accept | Specifies the type of file the server accepts. |
accept-charset | Specifies a comma-separated list of character encodings that the server accepts. |
action | Specifies where to send the form information when it's submitted. |
allowfullscreen | Specifies whether the iframe is allowed to be in fullscreen mode or not. |
alt | Alternative text string to display on browsers that do not display images. The alt is required if the href attribute is used. |
as | Specifies the type of content for the link, can only be used if the content is being preloaded. |
async | Specifies if the script is executed asynchronously. |
autocomplete | Specifies if form elements should be automatically completed by the browser. |
autofocus | Specifies if the element should automatically have focus when the document loads. |
autoplay | Specifies whether the media source should automatically play or not. |
buffered | Determines which time ranges of the media have been buffered. |
capture | Specifies if the control should use capture for media devices. |
charset | Specifies the character encoding used for the document. |
checked | Specifies the check state of the element, default is checked or else ignore. |
cite | Specifies the source of the quotation or the resource that explains the change of the source. |
cols | Specifies the width of the textarea, default is 20. |
colspan | Specifies the amount of columns the cell extends. |
content | Specifies the content for the element. |
controls | Specifies whether the browser should show controls for the user. |
coords | Values specifying the coordinates on the hot-spot region. |
crossorigin | Allow data from third-party websites that allow cross-origin access so you can reuse it. |
data | Specifies the URL to the external resource. |
datetime | Specifies the date and time. |
decoding | Specifies the decoding hint that is sent to the browser. |
default | Specifies the default track to be used if the user's preference is not appropriate. |
defer | Specifies if the script should execute when the document has finished parsing. |
dir | Specifies the direction of the text. |
disabled | Specifies whether the element should be disabled or not (user is unable to click or control if disabled). |
download | Download a URL instead of navigating to it. |
enctype | Specifies the MIME type used when posting the form information to a server. |
for | Specifies the ID of the element that the label element is related to. |
form | Specifies the form(s) that the element belongs to. |
formaction | Specifies where to send the data. |
formenctype | Specifies what type of content is used when submitting the data. Type=submit only! |
formmethod | Specifies what method to use when submitting the data. Type=submit only! |
formnovalidate | Specifies that the data should not be validated on submit. Type=submit only! |
formtarget | Specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the data. Type=submit only! |
headers | Specifies the headers that the element relates to. |
height | Specifies the height of the element, default is measured in pixels. |
high | Specifies the high end of the ranged value. |
href | Determines the URL to where the link will point to or the name of the anchor. |
hreflang | The language code for the destination URL. |
http-equiv | Specifies the HTTP header for the content attribute. |
integrity | Specifies inline metadata that the browser checks for manipulation. |
ismap | Specifies whether the image is part of a map or not. |
kind | Specifies what kind the track is. |
label | Specifies the name or meaning of the element. |
label | Specifies the label for the track. |
list | Specifies a pre-defined list of suggestions to the user. |
longdesc | Specifies the URL to a detailed description of the image. |
loop | If true, the media will continuously start from beginning when it has reached its end. |
low | Specifies the low end of the ranged value. |
max | Specifies the maximum value for this element. |
maxlength | Specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter. |
media | Specifies the media type for which the element or the document is designed for. |
method | Specifies the HTTP method used when submitting the form. |
min | Specifies the minimum value for this element. |
minlength | Specifies the minimum number of characters a user can enter. |
multiple | Specifies whether the user can enter more than one value. |
muted | Specifies whether the media should be silenced or not. |
name | Specifies the name of the element. |
name | Specifies the name of the element, its associated with the content attribute. |
nonce | Specifies the number used once to white-list for the scripts policy. |
novalidate | Specifies whether the form should be validated or not. |
open | Specifies whether the element should be visible to the user. |
optimum | Specifies the preferred end of the ranged value. |
pattern | Specifies the regular expression that the element is checked against. |
ping | Notifies the list of specified URLs with a short HTTP POST, used typically for tracking. |
placeholder | Specifies a hint that describes the expected value. |
played | Determines the time ranges of the media that have been played. |
playsinline | Specifies whether the video should be played inline or not. |
poster | Specifies the image to display before the user plays the video. |
preload | Specifies how the author will think how the media should be loaded. |
readonly | Specifies if the user can modify the element. |
rel | Specifies the relationship between the current and target documents. |
required | Specifies that the elements value is required before submitting the form. |
reversed | Specifies whether the content should be reversed or not. |
rows | Specifies the number of lines for the element. |
rowspan | Specifies the amount of rows the cell extends. |
sandbox | Specifies an extra set of restrictions for the iframe. |
scope | Specifies whether the header cell relates to a column, row, or group of column or rows. |
selected | Specifies whether the option is selected or not. |
selectionDirection | Specifies the selection direction. |
selectionEnd | Specifies the offset of the last selected character. |
selectionStart | Specifies the offset of the first selected character. |
shape | The shape of the hot-spot region. |
size | Specifies the size of the element. |
sizes | Specifies image sizes for different document sizes. |
span | Specifies the number of columns the col elements spans. |
src | The URL of the file to embed in the document. |
srcdoc | Specifies the HTML content to show in the iframe. |
srclang | Specifies the language of the source. |
srcset | Specifies a list of resources to be used for different conditions. |
start | Specifies the start value for numbering the list. |
step | Specifies the intervals for the min and max attributes. |
target | Specifies where to display the URL. |
text | Specifies the text for the element. |
type | Specifies the media type for the URL. |
type | Specifies the type of the button. |
type | Specifies the type of the input control. |
type | Specifies the numbering type. |
type | Specifies the content type for the external resource. |
typemustmatch | Specifies if the type and the external resource content type should match. |
usemap | Specifies the image map associated with the element. |
value | Specifies the value of the element. |
volume | Specifies the playback volume, from silent to loudest. |
width | Specifies the width of the element, default is measured in pixels. |
wrap | Specifies how the control wraps the text. |
xmlns | Specifies the xml namespace for the document. |
Name | Description |
onabort | Execute JavaScript code when on abort. |
onafterprint | Execute JavaScript code after the user has printed the document. |
onanimationcancel | Execute JavaScript code when the elements animation (CSS) unexpectedly aborts. |
onanimationend | Execute JavaScript code when the elements animation (CSS) has ended. |
onanimationiteration | Execute JavaScript code when the elements animation (CSS) reaches the end of the iteration. |
onbeforeprint | Execute JavaScript code before the user has printed the document. |
onbeforeunload | Execute JavaScript code before the document is unloaded. |
onblur | Execute JavaScript code when the document has lost focus. |
oncanplay | Execute JavaScript code when the source has been buffered enough for the user to play. |
oncanplaythrough | Execute JavaScript code when the source can be played all the way through, until the end. |
onchange | Execute JavaScript code when the value has changed. |
onclick | Execute JavaScript code when the user clicks the mouse button on the element. |
oncontextmenu | Execute JavaScript code when the user opens the context menu (right-click menu). |
oncopy | Execute JavaScript code when the user copies the elements content. |
oncuechange | Execute JavaScript code when the cue changes. |
oncut | Execute JavaScript code when the user cuts the elements content. |
ondblclick | Execute JavaScript code when the user double-clicks the mouse button on the element. |
ondrag | Execute JavaScript code when the user drags the element. |
ondragend | Execute JavaScript code when the user has stopped dragging the element. |
ondragenter | Execute JavaScript code when the user drags the element to a drop target. |
ondragleave | Execute JavaScript code when the user drags the element away from a drop target. |
ondragover | Execute JavaScript code when the user drags the element over a drop target. |
ondragstart | Execute JavaScript code before the user starts to drag the element. |
ondrop | Execute JavaScript code when the user has dropped the element. |
ondurationchange | Execute JavaScript code when the duration of the source file changes. |
onemptied | Execute JavaScript code if the source becomes unavailable, or corrupt. |
onended | Execute JavaScript code when the source has ended. |
onerror | Execute JavaScript code when the document fails to load. |
onfocus | Execute JavaScript code when the document receives focus. |
onhashchange | Execute JavaScript code when the documents URL hash tag text has changed. |
oninput | Execute JavaScript code when the user inputs text. |
oninvalid | Execute JavaScript code when the element is invalid. |
onkeydown | Execute JavaScript code when the user is pressing button. |
onkeypress | Execute JavaScript code when the user presses a key. |
onkeyup | Execute JavaScript code when the user releases a key. |
onload | Execute JavaScript code when the document has finished loading. |
onloadeddata | Execute JavaScript code when the data has been loaded. |
onloadedmetadata | Execute JavaScript code when meta data has been loaded (the information about the source). |
onloadstart | Execute JavaScript code when the source begins to load. |
onmessage | Execute JavaScript code when the document receives a message. |
onmousedown | Execute JavaScript code when the user holds down the mouse button on the element. |
onmousemove | Execute JavaScript code when the user moves the mouse on the element. |
onmouseout | Execute JavaScript code when the user moves the mouse out of the element. |
onmouseover | Execute JavaScript code when the user moves the mouse over the element. |
onmouseup | Execute JavaScript code when the user releases the mouse button on the element. |
onoffline | Execute JavaScript code when the network is offline. |
ononline | Execute JavaScript code when the network is online. |
onpagehide | Execute JavaScript code when the user navigates away from the document. |
onpageshow | Execute JavaScript code when the user navigates to the document. |
onpaste | Execute JavaScript code when the user pastes content in an element. |
onpause | Execute JavaScript code when the source has been paused. |
onplay | Execute JavaScript code when the source is ready to start playing. |
onplaying | Execute JavaScript code when the source is playing. |
onpopstate | Execute JavaScript code when the user navigates the session history. |
onprogress | Execute JavaScript code when the source is downloading. |
onratechange | Execute JavaScript code when the playback rate changes (slow, fast forward, etc). |
onredo | Execute JavaScript code when the user needs to redo. |
onreset | Execute JavaScript code when a button with the type attribute set to "reset" is clicked. |
onresize | Execute JavaScript code when the user resizes the document. |
onscroll | Execute JavaScript code when the user is scrolling the elements scrollbar. |
onsearch | Execute JavaScript code when the user presses the enter key or clicks the X in an input field with the type attribute set to "search". |
onseeked | Execute JavaScript code when the source has seeked. |
onseeking | Execute JavaScript code when the source is seeking. |
onselect | Execute JavaScript code when the user selects the text in an input field. |
onstalled | Execute JavaScript code if the source has been stalled (has failed to download). |
onstorage | Execute JavaScript code when the storage has been changed. |
onsubmit | Execute JavaScript code when the user submits the form. |
onsuspend | Execute JavaScript code if the source has been suspended. |
ontimeupdate | Execute JavaScript code when the current time of the source has changed. |
ontoggle | Execute JavaScript code when the user opens or closes the <details> element. |
ontouchcancel | Execute JavaScript code when the user stops touching the element. |
ontouchmove | Execute JavaScript code when the user is touching the element. |
ontouchstart | Execute JavaScript code when the user touches the element. |
ontransitioncancel | Execute JavaScript code when the elements transition (CSS) unexpectedly aborts. |
ontransitionend | Execute JavaScript code when the elements transition (CSS) ends. |
onundo | Execute JavaScript code when the user needs to undo. |
onunload | Execute JavaScript code when the document has been unloaded. |
onvolumechange | Execute JavaScript code when the volume has changed. |
onwaiting | Execute JavaScript code when the source is waiting for the user. |
onwheel | Execute JavaScript code when the user rolls the mouse button on the element. |
cite (attr)
data (object)
form (attr)
label (attr)
label (track)
name (meta)
span (col)
type (button)
type (input)
type (list)
type (object)