Advanced Secure Login & Registration System

Authenticate and manage your website's users with the Advanced Secure Login and Registration System, built with PHP and MySQL.

Advanced Secure Login & Registration System

Instant download link to the source code upon purchase.


Member Login Form Interface
Member Registration Form Interface
Restricted Homepage
Member Profile Page
Member Edit Profile Page
Admin Dashboard Interface
Admin Accounts Overview
Admin Create Account Form
Admin View Roles Page
Admin Email Templates


Our advanced login & registration system will restrict your website to registered members only using advanced security methods and innovative functionalities. You'll never have to worry about exposing restricted content ever again!

Users will love how easy it is to stay logged in with the "Remember Me" feature, and if they forget their password, no sweat—they can reset it quickly. The forms work smoothly without refreshing the page, thanks to AJAX, making everything feel snappy and responsive.

For those who like to tweak and add more cool stuff, we've got you covered with over six add-ons. Want social media logins or extra security layers? You can add those in no time. And there's a powerful admin area for you to see what's happening, manage users, and get insights—all in a few clicks.

This script is perfect for anyone looking to lock down their site's content or create a place where users can sign up and interact. It's packed with the right tools to make managing your site easier and keep your users happy and secure.


Secure Login & Registration System Advanced techniques are in place to prevent SQL injection and other known insecurities.

Home Portal Access to the home page immediately upon successful login, which is restricted to logged-in users only.

Profile Customization View and update account details.

Account Activation A customized activation email will be sent to the user upon registration.

Account Approval Enabling the option will prevent users from logging in until they're approved by an admin.

AJAX Integration The login and registration process will execute in the background on form submission.

Remember Me Preserve the login details entered by the user using browser cookies.

PDO Version Ideal for beginner programmers as this version provides an easy-to-understand database interface API (for example, you can execute prepared statements without specifying the data types).

MVC Version Custom-built robust framework using the MVC design pattern. Ideal for those who intend on adapting the system to build large-scale projects. Lightweight and fast performance.

Add-ons Forgot Password, Brute Force Protection, CSRF Protection, Two-factor Authentication, Native Captcha, reCAPTCHA v3, Google OAuth, Facebook OAuth

Responsive Design The login & registration system will automatically adapt to any screen size (desktop, mobile device, tablet device, etc).

Export & Import Accounts Export and import data to various formats (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.).

PHPMailer Integration Send and receive email notifications with the PHPMailer library.

Admin Panel View all accounts, manage accounts, edit settings, customize email templates, and more.

SCSS File Preprocessor CSS language that makes writing CSS files more convenient.

Commented Code Will help you understand every aspect of the code.

Free Updates & Support No time restrictions or limited downloads.

NO Code Restrictions You have complete control over the source code.


  • Apache/Nginx Web Server — We recommend XAMPP for testing on your local environment.
  • PHP >= 5.5.0 — PHP >= 8.0 is recommended for optimal performance.
  • MySQL >= 5.6 or MariaDB
  • Code Editor — PHP files can be edited with Notepad, but we don't recommend it. Instead, download one of the following: Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom.


  1. How do I install add-ons?
    Each add-on contains an instructions file (Instructions.html). Open this file with your web browser and follow the instructions.
  2. Why am I not receiving the activation email?
    You need a working SMTP mail server, and make sure your firewall is not blocking ports 25, 587, 465, 110, etc. This shouldn't be a problem on most hosting providers or Linux servers (built-in email server).
  3. Why am I receiving a MySQL error?
    Update the connection variables in the "config.php" file, update the hostname if yours is different, and make sure you've uploaded the correct SQL file with phpMyAdmin.
  4. How do I download the ZIP file again if I've lost it?
    You can download the package from the receipt email that was sent to you when you purchased the package. If you no longer have this email, you can request a new one here. Remember not to share your download links, these are being monitored.

Change Log

Version 3.0.1 04/03/2024

  • [Fixed] a few other minor bugs.
  • [Fixed] a bug that caused the number 3 to appear next to the username in the reset password email.

Version 3.0.0 12/02/2024

  • [Removed] the ENUM datatype for the role column in the SQL file and replaced it with the VARCHAR datatype. It's for convenience purposes.
  • [Removed] the FontAwesome library and replaced the icons with SVG icons to further increase performance and not rely on external libraries.
  • [Updated] the filters function in the admin panel. You can now remove filters effortlessly.
  • [Updated] the layout and design for all pages. It's more modern and responsive.
  • [Updated] the hashing functions to use a more secure hashing algorithm (SHA-256).
  • [Refactored] most of the source code to improve performance and security.
  • [Added] the ability to deactivate accounts. Once deactivated, the user can no longer log in.
  • [Added] the ability to export and import the accounts data in various formats (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.).
  • [Added] email notifications when a new user registers.
  • [Added] the PHPMailer library to replace the native mail function that isn't recommended.
  • [Added] account approval feature, which can be toggled on the settings page or in the config.php file.
  • [Fixed] a bunch of bugs.

Version 2.0.1 03/05/2023

  • [Fixed] a bug with the dynamic method creation in PHP >= 8.2.

Version 2.0.0 11/01/2023

  • [Updated] the responsive header menu. A menu icon will now appear on responsive devices.
  • [Updated] the user and admin interface.
  • [Added] an email template for the forgot password add-on.
  • [Fixed] a bug with the PDO two-factor add-on.
  • [Added] the reCAPTCHA v3 add-on, which will help prevent bots and malicious users from registering.
  • [Added] the Facebook OAuth add-on, which will enable your users to log in with Facebook.
  • [Added] the Google OAuth add-on, which will enable your users to log in with Google.

Version 1.2.1 13/01/2022

  • [Fixed] a bug with the two-factor authentication add-on.

Version 1.2.0 07/01/2022

  • [Updated] the registration files. The "register.html" file is now "register.php", and the old "register.php" file is now "register-process.php".
  • [Updated] the MVC version. All add-ons are now integrated by default and can be toggled in the admin settings page.
  • [Updated] the two-factor authentication add-on.
  • [Added] registration and last seen date to the accounts table.
  • [Updated] the stylesheet and layout. Make sure to clear the cache in your browser if you're going to overwrite the old stylesheet file.
  • [Added] the captcha add-on. You can now add captcha to the registration form.
  • [Added] the roles page to the admin panel.
  • [Added] tabs to the settings page in the admin panel.
  • [Added] pagination and search to the accounts page in the admin panel. In addition, you can apply filters and sort columns.
  • [Updated] the admin panel interface. You can now view statistics on the new dashboard page.

Version 1.1.0 09/12/2020

  • [Updated] the configuration layout and the admin settings page. The "account_activation" constant variable is now a boolean.
  • [Fixed] major and minor issues with the MVC version.

Version 1.0.9 13/10/2020

  • [Added] the long-awaited MVC OOP Version.

Version 1.0.8 02/07/2020

  • [Added] the Two-factor Authentication add-on.

Version 1.0.7 29/05/2020

  • [Updated] the AJAX code to work without jQuery, jQuery is no longer included.
  • [Added] the "config.php" file, you can now use this file to update variables instead of updating variables in many different files.
  • [Added] the "activation-email-template.html" file, the activation email will now be more appealing and no longer basic.
  • [Added] admin panel, with the admin panel you can view accounts, create accounts, and change settings.
  • [Added] account roles.

Version 1.0.6 24/04/2020

  • [Updated] the "remember me" feature, it will now work on multiple devices without being restricted to one device.
  • [Added] the "resend activation email" feature to the "Activation Required for Login" add-on, the user can request a new activation email.

Version 1.0.5 18/02/2020

  • [Updated] the registration form and added the "confirm password" feature.
  • [Added] new add-ons added: Brute Force Protection, CSRF Protection.

Version 1.0.4 03/01/2020

  • [Updated] the activate page, there is now a user interface as before it was plain text.
  • [Updated] all add-ons, added an instructions file on how to add them.
  • [Updated] the user guide, the file is now in HTML format.

Version 1.0.3 06/11/2019

  • [Added] new add-on: Forgot Password - user will have the ability to enter their email and request a reset password link.
  • [Improved] some code.

Version 1.0.2 23/10/2019

  • [Improved] the code for the advanced packages, the connection details can now be changed in the "main.php" file.
  • [Added] extra params to the mail variables in the "register-with-activation.php" file, this will help prevent the activation mail going to spam.
  • [Added] code to the "index.php" file that will check if the user is already logged-in, automatically redirect the user if they're logged-in.
  • [Updated] "index.html" file to "index.php".
  • [Added] the "Home" button to the home and profile pages in the top navigation bar.

Version 1.0.1 15/09/2019

  • [Added] responsive design, the system will now automatically adapt to any screen size.

Version 1.0.0 05/09/2019

  • [Updated] registration and login system.