Advanced Newsletter & Mailing System

Grow your audience with the innovative advanced newsletter and mailing system, powered with PHP and MySQL. Create campaigns and generate conversions.

Advanced Newsletter & Mailing System

Instant download link to the source code upon purchase.


Subscription Widgets
View Campaign
Create Campaign
Create Newsletter
Send Mail


Secure Newsletter & Mailing System Advanced techniques will prevent SQL injection and other known insecurities.

Interactive Subscription Widgets Seamlessly place subscription widgets on your website, either as a popup or in-content widget.

Automate Newsletters Create campaigns and automate newsletters with the admin interface.

Scheduled Tasks Cron jobs will update campaigns in the background. No need to wait for a task to be completed.

Email Tracking Track which subscribers have read your newsletters, unsubscribed, and clicked the content.

AJAX Integration Subscription widgets utilize AJAX to execute form requests.

Admin Panel View dashboard, manage campaigns, create newsletters, edit settings, and much more.

SCSS File Preprocessor CSS language that makes writing CSS files more convenient.

Commented Code Will help you understand every aspect of the code.

Free Updates & Support No time restrictions or limited downloads.


  • Apache/Nginx Web Server — We recommend XAMPP for testing on your local environment.
  • PHP >= 5.5.0 — PHP >= 8.0 is recommended for optimal performance.
  • MySQL >= 5.6 or MariaDB
  • Code Editor — PHP files can be edited with Notepad, but we don't recommend it. Instead, download one of the following: Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom.


  1. Why am I getting a MySQL error?
    Update the database connection variables in the "config.php" file, and make sure you've uploaded the correct SQL file with phpMyAdmin.
  2. How do I download the ZIP file again if I've lost it?
    You can download the package from the receipt email that was sent to you when you purchased the package. If you no longer have this email you can request a new one here. Remember not to share your download links, these are being monitored.
  3. Campaigns aren't updating, what do I do?
    You need to create a new cron job and make it execute the cron file every 1 minute (refer to the user guide on how to do it).

Change Log

Version 1.0.1 28/11/2022

  • [Fixed] a bug when the user subscribes again after unsubscribing.

Version 1.0.0 19/08/2022

  • [Release] the newsletter & mailing system initial release.