Advanced Event Calendar System

Display the calendar along with the events on your website seamlessly. The interactive event calendar system is fast, secure, and enables your users to submit events and navigate between days, months, and years.

Advanced Event Calendar System

Instant download link to the source code upon purchase.


Event Calendar Interface
Events List Interface
Edit Event Interface
Add Event Interface
Date Selection Interface
Expandable Events List
Events List Responsive View
Admin Dashboard Interface
Admin Events Page
Admin Accounts


Secure Event Calendar System Advanced techniques will prevent SQL injection and other known insecurities.

Events Users have the ability to submit, edit and delete events.

Database Integration Events are saved to the MySQL database using the PDO interface.

Calendar Size Choose between a large, small or auto (responsive) size.

Event Photos Upload photos when creating new events.

Recurring Events Upload photos when creating new events.

Import & Export Events Import & export events to various formats via the admin panel (CSV, JSON, XML, TEXT).

Pagination Navigate the calendar between days, months, and years.

AJAX Integration Place the calendar on any web page seamlessly. The calendar is dynamically loaded with AJAX.

Interactive Interactive JS modals will provide an engaging experience.

Admin Panel View dashboard, manage events, view accounts, edit settings, and more.

SCSS File Preprocessor CSS language that makes writing CSS files more convenient.

Commented Code Will help you understand every aspect of the code.

Free Updates & Support No time restrictions or limited downloads.


  • Apache/Nginx Web Server — We recommend XAMPP for testing on your local environment.
  • PHP >= 5.5.0 — PHP >= 8.0 is recommended for optimal performance.
  • MySQL >= 5.6 or MariaDB
  • Code Editor — PHP files can be edited with Notepad, but we don't recommend it. Instead, download one of the following: Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Atom.


  1. Why am I receiving a MySQL error?
    Ensure the database variables in the "config.php" file reflect your MySQL credentials, and make sure you've uploaded the correct SQL file with phpMyAdmin.
  2. How do I download the ZIP file again if I've lost it?
    You can download the package from the receipt email that was sent to you when you purchased the package. If you no longer have this email, you can request a new one here. Remember not to share your download links, these are being monitored.
  3. The calendar is not being displayed, what do I do?
    Make sure you verify your database credentials and make sure you've specified the "uid" variable when creating a new instance of the "Calendar" class.

Change Log

Version 2.0.5 30/01/2024

  • [Fixed] a bug that caused certain months to skip when navigating between months using the buttons in the top-right corner.

Version 2.0.4 04/01/2024

  • [Fixed] a bug with the "disable_event_management" option when there are no events on a particular day.

Version 2.0.3 24/10/2023

  • [Added] the option to disable event management on the calendar. You can toggle the option in the config.php file or via the settings page in the admin panel.

Version 2.0.2 03/07/2023

  • [Refactored] the events list modal in the "advanced-nodb" version.
  • [Fixed] a bug with the "advanced-nodb" version that affected the title in the events list modal.

Version 2.0.1 20/06/2023

  • [Fixed] a bug with the events in the admin panel that affected the results when viewing events by the Page ID.

Version 2.0.0 12/05/2023

  • [Updated] the event interface and improved the design.
  • [Added] accounts table to the database, which is solely used for logging into the admin panel. The details are in the user guide.
  • [Added] the ability to export and import events via the admin panel.
  • [Added] event page details to the admin panel.
  • [Added] a no-JavaScript version, which doesn't require JS or a database, but lacks functionality compared to the normal version.
  • [Added] recurring events functionality. When creating a new event, you can now add the recurring option (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
  • [Added] photo uploads, which will appear in the expandable events.
  • [Added] expandable events that can be populated below the event calendar.
  • [Fixed] bugs related to events spanning across multiple months and optimized the code.

Version 1.0.0 29/09/2021

  • [Release] the event calendar system initial release.